Monday, 30 June 2014

What type of short video content should you create?

  • Make it practical i.e. not just a replay of your TV ad
  • Relate content to the buyer decision making process

Friday, 27 June 2014

Ecommerce Research Chart: How can companies increase conversion rates? [Video]

  • special MarketingSherpa Chart of the Week
  • excerpt from a recent webinar broadcasted live from the Internet Retailer Conference and talking about how companies can increase their conversion rates

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Search Marketing - PPC campaign for each product

LexisNexis, for 7,000 book titles, developed a PPC campaign for each and used the product pages as the landing pages. Result: a 798% overall increase in ROI.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Internet user penetration in Asia-Pacific

  • 17% in India vs 75% in Australia vs 80% in Sth Korea. 
  • Less developed markets to see fastest internet user growth.

Which channels are e-commerce companies investing in?

  • 17 channels reported on 
  • Big 3: email, social then SEO.

Digital Purchases Not Too Attractive to UK Beauty Buyers

  • Health and beauty products are among the least popular items for online purchasing.
  • Just 6.2% of total prestige beauty Digital sales in 2013.